7"God is disgusted by the fall and ruin of his holy Church ... drops of burning and smoking sulfur are dripping from the roof; the walls are as revolting to look at as pus mingled with rotting blood." These are startling words, and they are from one of the many revelations received by St Bridget (or "Birgitta") of Sweden (1303-1373): wife, mother of eight, widow, social and Church reformer, mystic, and foundress of the Order of the Most Holy Savior, also known as the Brigittine Order. The world has witnessed in recent years a rapidly growing interest in St Bridget among Catholics as well as Protestants, and even non-Christians, scholars and the general population alike. Pope John Paul II declared St Bridget Co-Patroness of Europe (1 Oct 1999) and called her a Model for Today's Woman (3 Oct 2002), seeing in her life and in her writings a powerful witness to the Gospel, an "icon" as it were, reflecting the beauty, goodness and loving mercy of God - as well as his justice - to our modern world in great need, like the Prodigal Son, of coming to its senses and returning to its Father. St Bridget is best known for the Revelations, the divinely inspired messages she received from God the Father, Jesus, the Virgin Mary and numerous saints over a period of almost 30 years. Although the Revelations consist of twelve books and hundreds of pages and treat of a wide variety of subjects, including visions and messages Bridget received regarding the infancy, life and sufferings of Christ which are not found in the gospels, there can also be found throughout the work messages which are of utmost pertinence for today, showing the "actuality" of St Bridget for the Church and for the world in our times.This collection of Books 1-5 of the Revelations is large, 8"x10" and 418 pages and contains most of the important revelations given to the saint, and it is priced low for wide distribution of these timeless messages which are pertinent to our troubled times as much as -- or probably even more so -- than St Bridget's.See also "The Revelations of St. Bridget and Church Reform," containing some of the most powerful - and often disturbing - revelations taken from all 12 books of the saint's revelations dealing with apostasy and Church reform, beginning with popes, bishops, and priests. The book includes descriptions of God's just punishments for apostasy and immorality, especially by the clergy, and some amazing statements that demons were forced to reveal to St Bridget. The editor has also published "The Revelations of Saint Bridget, Books 11-12, Plus the 15 'Magnificent Prayers' of St Bridget."