5When Judd Reid attempted the 100-man kumite in 2011, fighting 100 karate black belts in a row, it was something only a handful of martial artists in the world had achieved before him. To complete this 100-man fight, Reid would have to draw on the ironclad toughness and perseverance he'd forged from a lifetime of training. At only 19-years old, Judd got the opportunity to chase his dream when he was invited to Japan by the legendary Sosai Mas Oyama in the elite Young Lions program. For 1,000 days, Reid endured with the most vigorous training in the world among the most Spartan conditions, but found the discipline and dedication to become the first foreigner ever to graduate as a Young Lion. Along the way, Sosai Oyama became a father figure to Reid, teaching him everything he knew about martial arts but also how to live a pure and honorable life. Reid's story reveals the secret world of the most elite martial artists - and the very human emotions, pain, and sacrifices they make to achieve their dreams.