1789: George Washington and the Founders Create Americadraws on hundreds of sources to paint a vivid portrait of the new nation, setting out to show the world at large that a new--and very American--form of government was calling itself into being. "No future session of Congress will ever have so arduous and weighty a charge on their hands," the New York Gazette observed in summer 1789. "No examples to imitate, and no striking historical facts on which to ground their decisions--All is bare creation."
The Constitution had been written in 1787 and ratified in 1788. But 1789 was the year the government it described--albeit only in the broadest of terms--had to be brought into being.
Veteran journalist Thomas B. Allen brings decades of experience and a gifted storyteller's eye to the long-hidden history of how George Washington and the Founders set the federal government into motion.
by The Smithsonian Anacostia Museum and Cen
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