2Who Killed Brittanee Drexel? Plus Eight, Bonus Shocking True Crime Stories Brittanee Drexel defied her mother in 2009 and went to Spring Break in Myrtle Beach. The teenager disappeared. Seven years later, the FBI said they knew what happened. Brittanee had been kidnapped, gang-raped, killed and fed to a pond of alligators.But their prime suspect had an alibi. So, who did kill Brittanee Drexel? Or is there hope that she might still be alive? This is an incredible, compelling, and heartbreaking story of a teenager's murder and a mother's grief.PLUS Eight Bonus Shocking True Crime Stories that will keep you turning pages all night long: The Deliciously Dead Daughter-In-Law, A Lover's Game, The Electrocuted Lover, Two People Have Been Shot, A Mother's Heartbreak, The Devil Made Him Do It, Sleeping With the Devil, and Mommy Deadliest.Each one of them is a story of homicide committed by lovers, mothers, and who knows who done it.Don't miss this opportunity to be captivated by a true-crime mystery that you'll never forget