We all want to create something beautiful and memorable, especially with our loved ones. Delve into the mystical intense world of Tantra, the ancient Hindu love practice to bring a new dimension into your relationship, and, indeed your life.
Experience the reawakening of energy using ancient massage and love techniques, and learn how to harness this energy to heighten your relationship to new levels.
The benefits extend far beyond the bedroom, however, and you will be gratified at how enriched your life will become, even in other relationships, your work, and even your hobbies.
This book presents detailed descriptions on how to give and receive satisfying tantric massage, how to set the mood for a successful Tantric session, techniques to enhance the experience, the Tantric sex cycle, and a myriad of Tantric sex positions to experiment with.
Be sure to take note of how each Tantric position fits into your overall coupling experience with our simple rating guide. Ultimately, enjoy yourself as you enter a whole new Tantric world!