3SHORT-STORY WRITING is the perfect avenue for students to ignite their voices and let their creativity shine. Concise to the core, short stories distill an author's message to leave a lasting impression. Every student has a story to tell. However, instructors face two common challenges. First, very few resources exist to help, so most instructors get overwhelmed creating their own curriculum. Second, they spend precious time searching for short stories that match their lessons.
Christina Heffner used to be one of those instructors. During her teaching career, she developed and tested a wide variety of creative writing lesson plans with her students.
Now, she's written the guide she wishes she had fifteen years ago.
Inspired Guide to Writing the Short Story: Lessons and Workbook for Students and Educators contains clear and concise lessons for how to write short stories. It takes the guesswork out of which lessons should come first and weaves in Socratic seminars. These focused seminars guide students to discuss stories as a group as they deepen their appreciation for short-story writers, all while maximizing learning.
From inspiration to publication, this all-in-one resource includes all the forms and brainstorming pages students need, so that instructors are able to focus on guiding them through their creative process. Instructors also receive access to our website.