0The first step in finding professional happiness is realizing your career needs healing. Maybe you are weighed down by a toxic work environment or feel a lack of fulfillment in your role. But the only way to heal your ailing professional life is to diagnose and treat it.
In The Prescription to Heal Your Career: A Treatment Plan for Individuals & Organizations, Scott A. Cook, MD, MPH, examines corporations and careers like they were his own patients. This guide to professional development, using autobiographical stories and thought-provoking brain exercises, draws on Dr. Cook's experiences as both a doctor and a businessman. As a doctor in ten different specialized fields, Dr. Cook offers a variety of treatments for any illness your career or corporation may have. As a businessman, Dr. Cook introduces two new business archetypes, Charlie and Charles, to help you understand your own unique professional needs.
Dr. Cook earned these insights through more than twenty years of witnessing patients' lives at every point from the operating table to their passing, as well as through his own success as a doctor and businessman. Once you dive in to learn more about Charlie and Charles, you'll find the treatment you need to heal your professional life.