1Krishnamurti's profound early work of spiritualism displays great wisdom attuned to matters of higher contemplation.
Demonstrating a precocious ability to instill and guide others with spiritual wisdom, Jiddu Krishnamurti was only twelve when he first authored this primer on gaining knowledge. The book is not an attempt at preaching or conversion, but is instead a meditation upon the wholesome, guiding principles that anyone who desires great spiritual harmony should aspire to.
Krishnamurti urges all aspiring spiritualists to be honest with themselves. If they are truly determined, and have the inner wealth to embark upon such a journey, then they will go far. Eliminating material desires, behaving properly with good manners and conduct, and regarding other human beings with compassion and love are explained as crucial tenets. Obstacles to attainment, both physical and mental, are also explained.
Upon publishing this work, Jiddu Krishnamurti would gain renown as a prodigy in spiritual thought. The curiosity of a very wise master emerging whilst merely a child sparked great interest within and outside Krishnamurti's home nation of India. At the Feet of the Master asserts that while only a boy, Jiddu Krishnamurti received his insights through a series of impressions gained from an unnamed master.
A refreshing text certain to provide relief amid the maddening complexity of modern life, At the Feet of the Master not only marks the beginning of Krishnamurti's life as a spiritual teacher, but the commencement of countless spiritual journeys undertaken by its readers.