Are you unhappy with your job and your prayers don't seem to be getting answered, and you don't know what to do? Or are you just bored and want to move on, but don't know how or where to?
If you have experienced any of the above or more, there are tips in this book to help you succeed.
This handbook includes:
The overall goal of this book is for people to be successful in the workplace and truly see God's glory and power manifested through spiritual warfare, oftentimes an ongoing battle. But if you persevere, pray, stand on the Word of God, and keep the faith, you will win and be victorious. Just remember to give God the glory when you do
Barbara Carr, Ed.D., BCCC is a Board Certified Christian counselor and Founder/ Director of Love of My Life Ministries - Advocacy for the Poor, Inc., a nonprofit grassroots agency for the poor and homeless, serving Contra Costa and Alameda Counties, CA. She is a retired social worker of over 20 years, and 26 years of corporate work, including banking, legal, credit and collections and teaching experience. Dr. Carr has a heart of mercy and a natural gift of encouraging and motivating others, which is why she has written this handbook with helpful and practical tips. Also included is valuable insight from those who have been successful in the workplace, and words of wisdom from anointed spiritual leaders.