After an impelling call to service as a missionary at age 14, God led me through 5 continents, 5 languages and cultures, and many different branches of ministries: from medical work to teaching Bible studies, to teaching Seminary courses, to leadership positions with the denominational Women's Ministries Executive Committee, to serving as chaplain to the International Christian Women's Club in Brazil, to Home Bible Studies in the States, to serving on the Executive Board of the Olive Branch Mission in Chicago, and many other things. The Lord saw me through a communist take-over in Mozambique, a cholera epidemic and major medical responsibilities in Congo where there was no doctor, a visit to a refugee camp in Tanzania, and, in the middle of all this, to a late marriage and the struggles that go along with a family trying to blend. My story includes hair-raising frights, mind-boggling adventures and both heart-ache and much laughter.
Here are a few of my endorsements:
-Kathleen Ross, first editor for the books of her husband, Dr. Hugh Ross, astrophysicist and Founder of Reasons to Believe.
-To meet this sweetly smiling petite retiree you may never guess what adventures she's been up to in her 80+ years on this earth, but you'll be amazed to find out. Experience her childhood joys and pains, the daunting challenges of her calling to bring Christ's loving care to some of the most beautiful and dangerous places on Earth, the intense pressures and occasional triumphs of tending to patients (physically and spiritually) and training medical workers (physically and spiritually) in remote villages and clinics. I say "experience," not just "read about" these things--and more, including marriage and home life--because Lillian does more than simply tell her story; she lets you hear, see, taste, smell and feel it. Her honesty and vulnerability give the reader a soul's eye view not merely OF but also FROM her colorful personality. This dynamic lady still matches the title of her book.
-A. C. Carrol, PhD. Geologist, Christian Apologist: "That's a FANTASTIC book It's full of stories
-Father James Good, D.D., Ph.D., Doctor of Literature - Former Chair of the Department of Theology in Cork, Ireland - my long-ago colleague in Swahili studies: " An Irrepressible Passion - MAGNIFICENT "
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