Why not start Have-A-Seat Yoga(TM) TODAY?
. It's easy to get started. If you are in a senior living community, join a class. If you are a do-it-yourselfer, buy a DVD or read a book.
. You'll be doing something for yourself, and everyone should do something that makes them feel good - physically, mentally, and emotionally.
. It's for everyone, so be inspired. This book has 100 friendly tips and quotes to get started and keep your practice going.
Kelly Wislar is a certified yoga instructor. She took up yoga to recover from cancer and discovered its healing power. She teaches privately and also holds classes in assisted living facilities and community centers, and she wants to share the inspiration she gains from those whom she reaches. Here's what a well-regarded pulmonologist has to say:
"I'm familiar with the research studies showing the positive impact of yoga on the body, especially the lungs and heart, as we age. I have personally seen these benefits - thanks to Kelly. She's inspirational." - Dr. Achal Dhupa, M.D., FCCP.