The use of Tarot as an oracle for creating awareness and gaining insight into particular symptoms, problems or questions-i.e. Tarot divination-is often mentioned as an afterthought, alongside other meditational exercises and alternative spread configurations. Yet today, the vast majority of individuals who have discovered the wonders and mysteries of Tarot have done so through experiences of divination. Card reading, without a doubt, is Tarot's most beguiling and potentially beneficial enterprise. Why dance around the magic?
For Tarot to continue to evolve into the 21st century (and beyond) it must have a stronger application emphasis, that is, it must be relevant, accessible, and meaningful to the changing contours of people's lives. It must resonate with all who seek greater meaning, creativity, and awareness, not simply with small segments of the waning New Age.
Tarot and Psychology provides an innovative new approach for understanding the psychological and spiritual possibilities of human experience.