With all of the changes taking place in the world around us, the need for inner peace is greater than ever before. Learning to live in peace under all circumstances is the secret of a happy life.
Touch of Peace is a powerful collection of spiritual writings that will change your life by guiding you through with inspiration and new perspectives for facing life's challenges and finding peace within. Drawing from the teachings of Paramhansa Yogananda (author of the classic Autobiography of a Yogi), Touch of Peace shares practical tools, instructive stories, and right attitudes to help you tap the wellsprings of peace inside you.
These blogs, then, are not mind-born, or an expression of what "we want to say." Rather, they represent what we feel people need to hear. Often, when we sit down each week to write, we'll think, "I don't really know what to write about," and then a wonderful idea will emerge resplendent like a butterfly from the dull chrysalis of our mind. As we say, it's a three-way collaboration between our role as middlemen, the needs of the readers, and Paramhansa Yogananda's life-changing teachings.
This book marks the fourth in the series of our compiled weekly blogs: Touch of Light came out in 2015, followed by Touch of Joy (2017), Touch of Love (2019), and now Touch of Peace (2021). When we began writing these blogs back in 2013, we had no idea how long we'd keep going, or how well they'd be received. We've been at it now for eight years, and have passed the four-hundred-blog milepost; it grows more fulfilling for us with each passing year.