dimension to our understanding of how an individual becomes an addict.
Since its publication in 1988,
The Addictive Personality has helped people understand the process of addiction. Now, through this second edition, author Craig Nakken brings new depth and dimension to our understanding of how an individual becomes an addict. Going beyond the definition that limits dependency to the realm of alcohol and other drugs, Nakken uncovers the common denominator of all addiction and describes how the process is progressive.
Through research and practical experience, Nakken sheds new light on:
Genetic factors tied to addiction;
Cultural influences on addictive behavior;
The progressive nature of the disease; and
Steps to a successful recovery.
The author examines how addictions start, how society pushes people toward addiction, and what happens inside those who become addicted. This new edition will help anyone seeking a better understanding of the addictive process and its impact on our lives.