with clearly and concisely labeled illustrations deep body systems in six laminated pages. This is our second in a series diving deeper into body parts and layers. With over 1,500 labeled parts, there is no reference this detailed for this price anywhere else. This reference tool has been used by everyone from medical and nursing professionals, students and professors, to exercise trainers and anyone wanting to know their body better in general and for health or medical reasons. Illustrations by award-winning and best-selling medical illustrator Vincent Perez, whose life mission is cataloging the beauty and detail of our complicated body systems. A beloved artist who taught anatomical illustration at University of Northern California, Vince's love of the art of anatomy has inspired students who went on to work for Lucas arts creature creation and famous comic book artists, Vince himself working on art for Spielberg and Jim Henson Studios. Everyone has a body and should know it's intricate and amazing parts. This guide will last a lifetime and can be stored easily for quick reference, it is a must have.
6 page laminated guide includes illustrations and labels for:
- Arm Anterior Origins & Insertions
- Trunk & Head Anterior Origins & Insertions
- Arm Posterior Origins & Insertions
- Spine Lateral Joints & Ligaments
- Sternoclavicular & Shoulder Joints & Ligaments
- Right Foot Anterior View Joints & Ligaments
- Wrist & Hand Palmer View Joints & Ligaments
- Axillary Lymphatics
- Male Urinary System
- Posterior Digestive System
- Posterior Nervous System
- Oxygenation of the Alveoli Cluster
- Hepatic Portal Veins
- Uterine Cycle
- Posterior Circulatory System
- Coronary Arteries & Cardiac Veins
- Diastole & Systole Stages
- Right Kidney
- Nephron
- Renal Corpuscle
- Full Body Deep Muscles - Anterior, Lateral & Posterior
- Muscle Microstructure 3D Cutaway from Surface to Molecules
- Muscles of Respiration
- Brain Frontal Section, Anterior View, Horizontal Section & Inferior View
- Cutaneous Innervations: Dermatomes & Peripheral Nerve Distributions
- Nerve Structure 3D Section
- Paranasal Sinuses
- Nasal Septum
- Stomach
- Rectum
- Mouth & Salivary Glands
- Brain & Neck Arteries
- Finger Lateral 3D Sectional