ing description of the product.Colorado is one of the top 10 US states for bird diversity, with around 500 species having been seen there, 240 of which are annual breeders. Iconic species like Mountain Plover, American Dipper, White-tailed Ptarmigan, Canada Jay, Three-toed Woodpecker, Gambel's Quail, Gray Vireo, Thick-billed Longspur, and state bird Lark Bunting are particular stand-outs. Given the ubiquity of birds, their study serves as an excellent entry point into land-based learning and connecting more deeply with nature. It is useful, then, to have the portable reference Colorado Birds on hand to cut through the clutter and get to know 140 common and familiar species. This beautifully illustrated collection includes an ecoregion map showing over 20 bird-finding hotspots. Laminated for durability, this 12-panel folding pocket guide is the ideal companion for educators, learners, naturalists, and birders who wish to not only identify Colorado's birds, but learn more about how they live and the various ecological roles they play. Made in the USA.