A captivating work of cultural blending unlike anything created prior, Andrew Archer's Edo Ball must be seen to be believed. This series of paintings seamlessly fuses contemporary basketball imagery with Edo-period Japanese art and culture, with captivating results. Each image riffs on a classic Japanese painting or subject, adding a surprisingly weighty visual twist as Archer's deft world-building weaves these disparate visual iconographies into a cohesive whole.
Often front and center, an NBA personality is dramatically re-imagined and yet recognizable, surrounded by the myriad trappings of the "floating" world. See Hokusai's The Great Wave off Kanagawa re-imagined as a court bursting apart at the floorboards and carried forward by a surge of hundreds of basketballs. A Torii gateway becomes the backstop for a basketball hoop, with a backdrop of mountains and a vast, snowy sky. Brief, accompanying texts describe the thematic connections between each painting's converging themes, and explore the roles that culture, community, celebrity, and games play in our daily lives.
Featuring: Lebron James - James Harden - The Mask / Kyrie Irving - Shaquille O'Neal - Dirk Nowitzki - Dikembe Mutombo - The Brodie / Russell Westbrook - The Splash Brothers / Stephen Curry & Klay Thompson - The Black Mamba / Kobe Bryant - Vince Carter - Karl-Anthony Towns - The Greek Freak / Giannis Antetokounmpo - The Durantula / Kevin Durant - Allen "The Answer" Iverson - The Reign Man / Shawn Kemp - Anthony "The Brow" Davis - Damian "Dame Time" Lillard - White Chocolate / Jason Williams - The Law / Kawhi Leonard