In the quaint village of Écueillé, Yvette's peaceful existence is shattered by the Nazi occupation and she witnesses firsthand the cruelty and injustices inflicted upon her neighbors. Finding herself at the crossroads of survival and resistance, Yvette is thrust into a role far beyond her years.
After the war, Art returns to the United States, burdened by the memories of combat and his family's internment. Despite his decorated service, he struggles to reintegrate into a society that still views him through a lens of suspicion and prejudice. Meanwhile, in liberated France, Yvette grapples with the scars left by the occupation and the challenge of rebuilding in a country forever changed by war.
When Art joins the Air Force Reserves, he is immediately deployed to France. In Chateauroux, a chance encounter with Yvette sparks an unexpected moment of profound understanding, forging a life-long connection amidst the lingering echoes of war.