9The series begins with the story of Seiya, the main hero, who is one of Athena's Knights. Seiya, along with the other Bronze Knights, must train hard to earn their Cloths, and take on other challenges as well. Knights of the Zodiac (Saint Seiya) has been a hit in Japan (where it is known as simply Saint Seiya), as well as many European countries including Spain, France, and Italy.
Pegasus Knight Seiya, and the rest of the Knight of the Zodiac, are warriors who put their lives in peril to defend the universe from the forces of evil. This means they will do whatever is necessary to win, even if they are killed in the process. Seiya finds out the hard way what this means when he is forced to bury some of his bravest comrades who have fallen in the battle. While he is lamenting their demise, on the rocky beach where he buried them, he is suddenly attacked! Were Seiya's friends really killed...and who was on the beach with them? There is trickery afoot, and Seiya comes to the horrible conclusion that he could very well be responsible for their deaths! Now he must confront those responsible in a fearsome showdown!