SHIPWRECKED After their perilous encounter with the sea-witches, Walker and the pirate crew of the Jacklight find refuge on a deserted island. But it might not be as deserted as it seems--shadowy creatures have been spotted in the jungle, and strange animal tracks appear overnight. When Walker, Shiv, and Genoa discover a secret passage and mysterious ruins, the dark history of the archipelago begins to unravel. Legend tells of a mad king, a fallen civilization, and a powerful royal family in search of their lost sister. And for reasons Walker can't understand, Genoa seems to be at the center of it all.
In this triumphant follow-up in the epic Unsinkable Walker Bean graphic novel series, Aaron Renier is back with more breathtaking art and high-sea adventure, The Unsinkable Walker Bean and the Knights of the Waxing Moon.