With creative and imaginative drawing prompts, My Time Capsule: All About Me! Art Journal is an interactive journaling experience that allows kids to record a slice of their lives to look back on later. This entertaining sketchbook journal is filled with
quick and easy-to-answer questions and
space to write and draw the answers. Also included are
stickers, suggestions of
things to tape or paste into the book, things to color and cut out, and tips on
how to doodle everyday life. Once the last prompt is complete, journalers will mark the date to open the time capsule journal, and then put the book away. Their time capsule awaits their older selves!
My Time Capsule: All About Me! Art Journal, children can
draw, doodle, design, and color the answers to questions about everyday life. Some prompts include:
- If I could have three wishes granted, this is what they would be.
- This is a memory of my favorite birthday... and this is a drawing of what I want for my next birthday!
- This is what my bedroom looks like from above.... and when I look out my window, this is what I see.
- This is an outline of my hand... and this is an outline of my foot.
- This is a portrait of a special member of my family. This is why they are special to me.
Thought-provoking prompts, space to draw and write on every page, cut-outs, and a
bonus sticker sheet drive creativity and engagement in the moment, as well as
record things about everyday life that a child may otherwise forget. Each prompt is dated, so the book can be completed all at once or over a longer period of time, and in no particular order. Additionally, interactive activities demonstrate
how to create a time capsule related to the art and activities completed in the journal and then hide it away for re-discovery years later.
Entertaining and fun in the moment, this drawing journal is also meant to be saved to become a
treasured keepsake years later.