fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue, and similar conditions. This book is packed with stories by former sufferers, talking about the pain, despair, and limitation they lived through before finding EFT. After EFT, many report complete or partial remission, even though fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue are labeled "incurable" by the US National Institutes of Health and many medical professionals. This book will teach you the steps of the method they used. The method is called Clinical EFT because it has been validated in dozens of clincal trials, including one showing that fibromyalgia sufferers experienced much less pain, anxiety, and depression after learning EFT, with many recovering completely. The reason for EFT's remarkable results is that it reduces stress, especially stress associated with negative emotions such as anger, guilt, grief, shame, and blame. This book will guide you into identifying the traumatic experiences that contribute to stress and tapping away their emotional charge. Imagine: no drugs, surgery, or demanding treatment regimens; just the powerful medicine of emotional healing, stress reduction, and inner peace.