From Big to Small, This Collection Shows Them All Region by region and Pok mon by Pok mon, the
Pok mon Size Chart Collection: Kanto to Alola is a visual exploration of Pok mon of all shapes and sizes, from the giant powerhouses to the tiny treasures Compare the sizes of Pok mon originally discovered within seven different regions--Kanto, Johto, Hoenn, Sinnoh, Unova, Kalos, and Alola--and learn lots of fun facts along the way
Pok mon Size Chart Collection: Kanto to Alola includes Legendary and Mythical Pok mon, Ultra Beasts, and special Alolan forms. Each region's Pok mon appear on a multi-panel poster that unfolds for viewing or display and then folds back up neatly for safe storage.
This is your ultimate guide to the incredible variety of Pok mon species--a comprehensive index makes it easy to find your favorites fast