is so, well, Jewish? God revealed His character and his plan for the world through His chosen people, the Jews. It was through the line of Abraham that the Bible was written. It was from this same line that Jesus was born. It was from the Jews that Jesus called his disciples, and out of Judaism the early church was born. Neat Jewish Stuff for Christians reveals many facets of ancient Jewish religious and cultural life which Jesus used to help His listeners understand His teachings. Through understanding these rites and customs, God's plan for drawing us into relationship with Him is revealed. Neat Jewish Stuff for Christians brings the reader to a better understanding of the Jewish roots of the Christian faith and the message of Jesus. Questions for discussion are included after each chapter. As Dr. Teitelbaum sums up: "Christians grow in worshipful appreciation of Jesus when His roots in Judaism are understood." BIOGRAPHY: Dr. David Teitelbaum is the founder of Neat Jewish Stuff Ministries, whose mission is to help Christians grow in worshipful appreciation of Jesus through understanding His roots in Judaism. He has been a Messianic Jew since experiencing the presence of the Holy Spirit at the age of nineteen. Dr. Teitelbaum and his wife Melinda live in Ft. Worth, Texas. He is an Osteopathic physician, providing Osteopathic manipulation, acupuncture, Chinese herbs, and prolotherapy to his patients.