"Lights Camera Action" is a phrase that many have heard before, and when we hear it, we expect something to happen. This devotional is intended to encourage you to take a cliché phrase and turn it on its head. If taken apart, each element is essential for your personal and spiritual growth, so I challenge you to adopt this phrase as a mantra moving forward. I pray that you take on each element for what it is and what it can do. Lights are needed to expose and illuminate dark areas, so let the Light of the world reveal and brighten those dark places. Cameras are tools used to capture a moment in time, but before viewing an image, development must take place. Use the Word of God to develop yourself into the image of God. The Action happens when we are intentional about making a change in behavior and learning the best ways to implement God's desires in our lives. Allow the Holy Spirit to prompt you to move differently than you have before.