Since Lovecraft's customary procedure as a revisionist was to discard his client's draft and entirely rewrite the story in his own words, much of the fiction in this collection represents original work by Lovecraft, including such notable contributions to the Cthulhu Mythos as "The Electric Executioner," "Out of the Aeons," and "The Diary of Alonzo Typer." Supreme among the revisions in this volume is the brilliant novella "The Mound," which embodies Lovecraft's satirical commentary on the Machine Age "decadence" of his era.
For the first time, students and scholars of Lovecraft can see at a glance all the textual variants in all relevant appearances of a story-manuscript, first publication in magazines, and first book publications. The result is an illuminating record of the textual history of the tales, in an edition that supersedes all those that preceded.
For this revised edition, the four stories that Lovecraft revised for C. M. Eddy, Jr. are included. In addition, the Index of Proper Names has been updated and augmented.