For the first time in Spanish, here is a reliable, jargon-free handbook for anyone who wants to better understand the entire Bible. Interesting to read and easy to consult, The Complete Guide to the Bible features captivating writing along with beautifully designed and illustrated pages to entice you into the book and keep you lingering throughout its 528 pages. From Stephen M. Miller, author of the best-selling Who's Who and Where's Where in the Bible, this book provides both the big-picture view of the whole Bible and its individual books, as well as fascinating detail on particular passages and topics.
Por primera vez en espa ol un manual confiable y sin terminolog a especializada para el lector promedio que desee entender mejor la Biblia. De interesante lectura y f cil de consultar, La gu a completa de la Biblia ofrece textos atrapantes y p ginas hermosamente dise adas e ilustradas para atraer a los lectores y mantenerlos absortos a trav s de sus 528 p ginas. Escrita por Stephen M. Miller, autor del xito editorial Who's Who and Where's Where in the Bible, esta obra brinda una visi n panor mica de toda la Biblia y de cada uno de sus libros y apasionantes detalles sobre pasajes y temas particulares.