Richard Rohr's bestselling From Wild Man to Wise Man: Reflections on Male Spirituality is now available in Spanish. Men, Richard Rohr writes, are longing for believable mentors at every stage of the male journey. A masculine spirituality, he writes, would emphasize movement over stillness, action over theory, and service to the world over religious discussions, speaking the truth over social niceties, and doing justice instead of self-serving charity.
"De hombre salvaje a hombre sabio: Reflexiones sobre la espiritualidad masculina" es una edicion revisada y actualizada del exito editorial anterior del P. Richard Rohr, "El camino del hombre salvaje: Reflexiones sobre la espiritualidad masculina." El P. Rohr nos invita, como mentor y guia, a encontrar un nuevo camino a la sabiduria.
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