This book is about the journey that humanity has taken over the last 2500 years in its understanding of religion, philosophy and science to bring us to the brink of planetary destruction. It is intended for anyone with an interest in understanding religion, philosophy, the approach of modern medicine or the roots of our current climate crisis and ecocide. The book teaches that the roots of our current planetary crisis in the early 21st century stem well beyond the fossil fuel industry and actually have their origins in shifts in paradigms of religion, philosophy and science going back 2500 years all the way through the 20th and 21st centuries. The book helps to provide a root cause analysis to help comprehensively address humanity's greatest problem of the 21st century in a unique manner that does not merely look at the abuses of corporations, humanity's excessive use of plastic or even civilizational changes; rather, it looks at how our fallacies in understanding and our application of philosophy, religion and scientific medical understanding have taken humanity to the self-inflicted brink of planetary destruction and totalitarian lockdown.