5Bold, audacious and unexpected, these twenty scintillating stories will take you on a journey of exploration and empowerment between the sheets and beyond. From a mermaid's quest to quench her earthly desires and a weary traveler indulging her lust along the Scottish coast, to a sexy escape room and a motorcycle club, there's something here for every passion. With contributions from popular authors Shelly Bell, Zoey Castile, Jeanette Grey, Mia Hopkins, Katrina Jackson, Elizabeth SaFleur, Naima Simone, Olivia Waite and Elia Winters, selected by award-winning editor Rachel Kramer Bussel, these sexy stories are sure to turn you on...and have you tingling in all the right places. Discover new fetishes, fantasies and sexcapades as you go on erotic adventures around the world and find out just how hot it gets.