6Jesus communicated deep spiritual truths through simple, vivid, and engaging stories. Woven from the stuff of everyday life, the parables of Jesus made the Kingdom of God understandable and accessible to his listeners. In six engaging, interactive small-group sessions,
The Parables of Jesus will give you new insights into Jesus' parables and their meanings--and will help you more fully appreciate their relevance for your own life.
With maps and pictures, outlines, key Scripture verses, discussion questions, plenty of room for note taking, and a personal five-day Bible study for each session, the Participant's Guide (sold separately, ISBN 9781628627657) will help you get the most out of
The Parables of Jesus, both in your group and in applying what you learn to your life.
Session Overview: - Dr. Michael Wilkins on Weeds, Mustard Seed, Yeast (Matt. 13:24-33)
- Dr. Gary Burge on Two Debtors (Luke 7:36-50)
- Dr. Ben Witherington on The Prodigal Son (Luke 15:11-32)
- Dr. David Garland on Treasure and Pearls (Matt. 13:44-46)
- Dr. Matt Williams on The Wedding Banquet (Matt. 22:1-14)
- Dr. Mark Strauss on Sheep and Goats (Matt. 25:31-46)
Deeper Connections Series: Unlike any other Bible study available, this visually stunning DVD series is written and taught by biblical experts--six professors with specialized areas of knowledge.