The sole purpose of this book is to help families of any age and status grow stronger--especially your family. You do not have to be intertwined within an immediate crisis, painful divisions, or huge arguments to benefit from these pages.
Faithful Families Today: Instilling Spirituality in Your Family focuses more on solutions instead of analyzing problems. It is not a "top ten suggestions" for a quick family fix. It is, however, a systematic source for those who are serious about building, or rebuilding, families grounded in the teachings of Christ.
Decades of pastoral counseling have opened heart-stories of worried parents and grandparents seeking to build spiritual foundations in today's society. This volume, the first in a series, offers information to Christian families for help, hope, and happiness.
Dr. John Maples brings a heart connected to God to help people develop a deeper relationship with the Lord. He has a forty-year career in pastoral counseling that he plans to continue indefinitely.
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