... Drawing on the Analytical Psychology of Carl Gustav Jung, on the discoveries of modern science, and on mystical traditions from numerous world religions, this book proposes a psychological mysticism that preceded, and now replaces, the historical theological mysticism that has been dependent on theistic images of god. Such images are no longer meaningful for many people - or necessary.
... These pages explore an alternative spiritual path that has the character of a grounded, embodied mysticism and replaces the heavenly, disembodied escapism that has dominated the religious collective for more than 4,000 years.
... Psychological mysticism expands the meanings of god, religion, mystic, and mystical and validates the universality of human experiences of the numinous. The mystical perspective is one of radical immanence.
... The whole of the human enterprise is this: It is an experiment to accept both our inner angels and monsters, individually and collectively, and to live responsibly our social contract assigned by Nature.
... When the divine is located within matter, within the natural world, and within the human psyche - rather than outside or beyond - the whole of life becomes a mystical sanctuary. This perspective promotes a practical or pragmatic mysticism that embraces what is and how to live what is responsibly.
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