God is the greatest UNLESS factor known to mankind. Many just don't know it. To those of us who have realized His great UNLESS factor understand the meaning behind this great truth. The book UNLESS details those events that have taken place in our lives and helps us comprehend the depths of those momentous times. UNLESS God the Father became human we could never know the God of eternity as our eternal Father. The birth of Jesus Christ into our world is the greatest UNLESS historical moment our world has ever known. This is where every human being's UNLESS God moments begin. Kevin was born in Indiana, raised in Michigan, has served the Lord in Michigan, Massachusetts, North Carolina and Delaware for 40 years. Kevin has assumed the responsibility of three Christian schools facing uphill battles for survival. He also has started a Christian school, as well as serving two churches as their youth pastor. Many young people from these schools and youth groups have gone into full time vocational church work and many have continued loving their Lord and Savior after high school. He considers teaching God's Word one of his greatest privileges and honor thus far in his life. The book UNLESS will take you on a journey through life's exceptional situations that could only be explained as God personally intervening to make a difference in those situations.