It is written in Proverbs 29:18 (AMPC), "Where there is no vision, the people perish; but he who keeps the law - blessed is he."God says let no man separate or divide what He has joined together. Take Him at His Word and see the Kingdom of Heaven manifest in Your Life, the Life of Christ Jesus. Since before Adam and Eve, He has been at work. God is Light. God is Love. God hates divorce. Divorce is not Light. Divorce is not Love. The two are incompatible.God gave His Word containing express covenants, passed down from generation to generation so that those who would choose Him, His Way, would overcome the world and all its iniquity. By taking hold of Him His Word His Victory in Christ Jesus, We can find the Way to perfect peace overcoming the world, even divorce.The perfect marriage of God, Jesus and Holy Spirit united One New Man called Christ Jesus is willing and able to lead every covenant bond -- traditional marriage through any experience, overcoming all, keeping the bond of matrimony in peace against those who would disagree with the Word of God. ABOUT THE AUTHORA child born into a family of God, on the earth,
a mother, father and siblings, thereafter as a child born again into
the Life of Christ Jesus when faced with the choice of singing "Jesus
Loves Me" a cappella, to the one in charge, or passing it by. Praise
God, I said "Yes" and since that day Christ has led the Way of Father's
love, maturing the gifts of the Spirit through this Life of faith.
Discovering purpose for being, to love others in the Law of God is more
than ever hoped for or imagined.