Flow Of The Water Of LifeThe impetus and title of this book were presented to the author in a dream. As such, he gave thought to that and interpreted it as a heavenly vision, urging him to write a book about revelations, writings and teachings that he received over many years. As he thought about this subject of the Universal God, TS was overcome by the expanse of this subject. The reason for that is simply that the question arose in his mind of: "Who in this world is actually prepared to adequately address and to cover such a subject?" This is the fourth book from TS Bola, who has stated that he never thought of himself as becoming a book writer. But now, there has been a notable move in that direction. And he stated that he does not write to become rich or famous; just mainly to express what he thinks and believes and that it may be useful to others to know. However, his experience in the fields of athletics, psychology, education and spirituality has greatly expanded a variety of knowledge for his writing acumen.