The Boys Story is a book of how one parent's neglect and abuse effects not only the child(ren), but the adult they become regardless of the efforts of the other parent's love and sacrifice. It is a book of how a parent goes through the loss of children and the future of dealing with their death. This book covers the agony of losing one's ministry at no fault of the man and how what the devil meant for evil God turns into good. The Boys Story is a book showing that with the help and love of family, friends and God, there is hope and victory, never give up.
The author, Frank M. Pawlak, is a man of many talents and experiences. He has been a businessman, craftsman, evangelist, pastor of 7 churches, as well as an author, composer, lyricist, musician, television and radio host. His ministry has taken him from Florida to California. Frank has received numerous compliments for his previous book, I Hear The Music - I Have To Go. He has been described as a man of humor, sensitivity, no nonsense, compassionate. Frank is respected and loved by those who meet and get to really know him.