How can I ever survive this crisis? What if I lose my job tomorrow? What if I lose my loved ones, my house, or my car? How will I make it in this dark, confused chaotic world? I really don't know what to do. It's so stressful right now. Maybe this is how you are feeling right now.
There's no need to worry and be anxious for your life--what you should eat, where you should live, whether or not you have money to spend, and whether or not you can love and be loved by others. God, your creator, knows that you have need of all these things. As you love and obey Him, He will freely give them to you so that your joy may be full and overflowing to the hurting world around you. It's His great pleasure to give you His kingdom.
Sadie Ralph is the wife of Anslem Ralph and the mother of Abijah (deceased), Jehoshua, Athalia, and Hannah Ralph. She is the author of From Possibility to Reality: Personal Writings of the Late Abijah Ralph and a Biography of Her Life. The passion of her heart is to cultivate the earth until it looks like heaven. For the Kingdom of God is not eating and drinking, but righteousness, peace, and joy in the Holy Spirit. Romans 14:17