Discover 380 adorable dog-themed stitch motifs in I Love My Dog Embroidery, along wtih step-by-step techniques, templates, and project ideas for capturing your favorite pooch.
Created by embroidery artist MakikoArt and six other amazing embroidery artists, this fanciful collection of stitch motifs celebrates all things canine, with a wide variety of breeds represented.
With this lovely embroidery guide, you can create all manner of pups in embroidery and cross stitch, including:
You'll also find guidance on how to customize a motif to fit your favorite Fido, plus a gallery of project ideas for showcasing your stitches. Grab a needle and some floss and transform your home and wardrobe from drab to double-dog fabulous
I Love My Dog Embroidery includes designs contributed by Chloe Redfern of Chloe Redfern Embroidery, Mia Alexi of How Could You? Clothing, Valentina Castillo Mora of Insanitynice, Miho Starling of mipomipo handmade, Anja Lehmann of Solipandi, and Elizabeth Dabczynski of Stitch People.