The fit are getting fitter; the fat are getting fatter. Americans' have waistlines that are too big and retirement accounts that are not big enough. The amount of information, both factual and misleading, is overwhelming. The good news - the fix is the same for both the health and wealth problems people face. The answers to these problems are simple... but they are not easy. It is known to eat less in order to lose weight. It is known people should spend less. People know to save and build their credit, just as they know to do cardio and lift weights. See... simple, but not easy.
The Fit Financial Approach provides the empowerment, knowledge, and direction Americans need to improve their lives one step at a time in a tried and true method that actually works. They won't find "head in the clouds" expectations or unrealistic goals. It is Mike Broker, CFP(R), CPT hope that Americans find a way to stop the downward spiral of fitness and finances and turn it into a spiral staircase that they can climb one step at a time to the life they truly want to live.