Learn the language of the body and you can make better decisions--in business, with lovers, with family, and with friends. What people aren't saying with words, they are saying with their head, neck, arms, and legs! Body language is a vital part of everyday communication, but more often than not, we are unaware of the messages our bodies are sending to others. Body Language will teach you to become more aware of these issues. In seven lessons, you will not only learn to read others, but also learn to control your own posture to send the correct message to those around you. This guide will help you:
- Make a good first impression
- Match your words to your body posture
- Read facial expressions, and decipher meaning from the eyes and tone of voice
- Understand what certain postures, such as folded arms and crossed legs, mean
- Quickly discern if someone is lying
"Interest in non-verbal behavior or 'body language" has grown rapidly in recent years because in this faced-paced and time-poor world we're constantly judged on first impressions. People are making snap decisions as to whether they trust us, like us, want to work with us, have a love affair with us--and much more. "