Faith Phonics makes the words of Jesus Christ accessible to everyone through decoding text. Often time, young readers learn to read by engaging with fictional stories often presented in series books. They learn by reading highly predictable text and storytelling. Regardless of one's reading ability or level of comprehension, the parables offer rich stories that are relevant in every developmental stages of life.
With the tools presented in Faith Phonics, every believer, both young and old, can share the same stories Jesus shared over 2,000 years ago. Jesus's teachings are a collection of combined sounds that form meaning (words). When words are spoken together, they convey meaning and context. When they are spoken out loud, they become a catalyst for change. Like babies, we need to speak the language of our Holy Father and use our voice to steer others to Christ. The parables provide a good foundation for ensuring we are passing on the same powerful illustrations that Jesus shared with His followers.
Each parable seeks to share a story to help you on your journey in life while revealing a promise of a much greater afterlife. It is our job to seek the deeper meaning. Jesus uses literary devices (metaphors and similes) which allow us to compare our life with the kingdom of God. We have included graphic organizers to highlight the comparisons Jesus makes between our everyday world and the Kingdom of God. It is amazing to consider that Jesus knew our needs over 2,000 years ago and how relevant His teachings are today. It is only those with a repentant heart that can be led to redemption and ultimately salvation. Life is a journey into the Kingdom.
Melvin C. Echard Sr. is a retired public education administrator and husband of 34 years. He is a man of Faith and constantly seeks to understand God's design for the family through prayer and an examination of scripture. Melvin married Mona, his high school sweetheart. They are blessed with 2 children and 6 grandchildren.