"The rights of man come not from the generosity of the state but from the hand of God."--President John F. Kennedy, 1961"My country tis of thee, Sweet land of liberty, Of thee I sing.Land where my fathers died Land of the Pilgrim's pride From every mountain side, Let freedom ring "--Samuel F. Smith, 1831- Are you concerned about America's identity, destiny and future?- How did our political discord and division become so disturbing and dangerous?- What happens when political correctness defines our culture more than Truth?- Can Divine Intervention save America? Yes, it can And that's where you come in This book is not about America's death--it is about America's resurrection Carl Becker is unashamedly pro-American. His favorite colors are red, white, and blue. He wants revival, reformation and Great Awakening. He is passionate about you having uncommon sense and uncommon faith, so that we will experience the triumphant fulfillment of prophecy: AMERICA WILL BE SAVED