for your grief, it is important to turn to the right source. The answer to healing grief lies in the hands of our Creator, who sent His Son to redeem mankind after grief was first introduced into the world through Adam and Eve. Although education and counseling about grief can be helpful, unless the spiritual aspect is addressed, one is hindered in the search for true healing to take place. The meditations in Leaving Grief at Heaven's Gate will guide your grief into the healing grace of God.
Theresa Ellison has served as a Hospice/Hospital Chaplain, Bereavement Coordinator and Mental Health/Chemical Addictions Counselor. Throughout her career, grief has been the chief complaint disrupting numerous lives. Theresa's passion is to point people to their healer. Inspired to offer the Heavenly perspective on grief, this book will speak truth to the grieving heart.
Theresa has settled in Northern Minnesota where she enjoys the outdoor life with her husband, adult children and German Shepherd. When she isn't reading God's Word, she writes. To reach more broken hearts, Theresa commits this book to Christ Jesus. May the Father bless this book's destiny; directing Leaving Grief at Heaven's Gate into the hands who need divine grace to reign over their grieving hearts.