Abandoned Chicago: Decay in the Windy City is an exploration through photographs of the shuttered buildings that are scattered all over Cook County, Illinois, and the city of Chicago--from beautiful churches with colorful stained glass, a moldy medical clinic that still has all its machinery, and a funeral home with everything still left inside. Have you ever questioned what's inside that boarded-up building you pass by? This book features photographs that will show readers a glimpse inside these decaying, haunting places and make them question why some were so quickly left behind.
The city of Chicago is home to around 2.7 million people. Each year, more Chicago churches, schools, and businesses are permanently closing. Many will sit for sale in hopes of being used again or hopefully renovated into something different. Sketchy floors, dark hallways, and flooded basements won't stop explorer Alison Doshen from stepping inside and continuing to share these places through her photographs.