nited States, the Scottish Rite (the largest Masonic system in the world) has a unique type of ritual which is used in more countries than any other. In 1870 Albert Pike, Grand Commander of the "Mother Supreme Council of the World," printed the ritual which he intended as a foundation for the Rite. To supplement the work he also prepared a Liturgy (guidebook). Very few copies of these works survive. This work includes everything that Pike prepared for these important rituals. The introduction treats the development of early Freemasonry, the rationale behind the high degrees, and the origins of the Scottish Rite. Also reprinted are several letters by Pike defending the sole right of the Grand Lodges over the Blue Lodge degrees. An appendix includes a first-ever translation of the original 1804 French Scottish Rite Blue Lodge ritual, which facilitates study of the development of the ritual and its symbolism.