The Long Camino tells the compelling story of Joaquin Navarez on his journey to America. After escaping a growing Communist country in Honduras, Joaquin was orphaned and promised his mother that he would continue on to America. Though it will be a short trip back to where he is from, it was a very long road trying to get there. He had every reason not to come to America, but only needed the one reason to never quit trying.
Joaquin's story is one of many who have made that treacherous journey for a chance at freedom or simply to provide for their loved ones. He prays that God will give him the strength to not give up, despite all the obstacles in his path. Although thousands of people continue to make this journey daily, there are just as many who don't make it. He knows, once he gets back, he must figure out what he will do because his life may very well depend on it.
This is only one story.
This is Joaquin's story.