Heaven Raye stood in the darkness. There was nowhere to go. There was no one to ask what was the next step? There was no one but her. She was alone. The only decision that could be made was in front of her. She packed all she owned in a garbage bag. There was no luggage with a name tag attached. All that was needed was to take a step. A step forward. Frozen in time, Heaven felt a tear trickle down her cheek. She wiped it away with the sleeve of her shirt. She would not look back. She would begin a new journey. She did deserve the very best.
Parker Stevens had been raised by his father after his mother's passing. There had been no time for emotion or affection from his father. The family business was successful and well known in the community. This was due in part to his father's no-nonsense approach to responsibility and commitment. Little did Parker know that in just a few short hours, his entire world would be turned upside down, but in the very best way.