Throughout my life, I have found assurance through the Word of God. It's what I cling to. It's where I find my strength. Every word in the Bible is true, and it is not only for me, but it's for you as well.
Don't you think it's time to stop living beneath the plan and purpose that God has for you? There are so many things that we go through on a daily basis, and the instruction for every situation is found somewhere in God's Word. Let's begin to dig into those scriptures and see what God has to say about what we're facing. His Word gives power and guidance on how to be an overcomer. It tells us how to gain strength and patience along our journey. And it shows us how to learn from our past mistakes.
So don't wait another day. Start your journey today-this very day. And together let's learn how to make each day that follows line up with the Word of God and his plan for our lives.
Today I will learn how to claim and walk out the scriptures as my own. Today I will rise above my fears and anxieties and learn how to cling to and claim his promises for myself, for my family, and for the community around me. This day is the day!