The Santa in Me is a children's story about a young girl named Mimi pondering how she can bring peace, love, good health, and cheer to the world. As she is playing in her room, she puts on a Santa hat and looks in the mirror as she realizes she, too, can be Santa Claus. As she drifts off to sleep, her vision becomes a reality. She dreams about the magic and joy that Santa Claus spreads. It came to her in her dream that she, along with all the other children of the world, could spread love and kindness just like the jolly ole' Santa, the man that wears red. As she awakes, she begins to turn her dream into reality by asking her momma to help her imitate Santa and allow her to bless others through the act of giving and doing good deeds. Mimi hopes that you and your loved ones find The Santa in Me as an interactive, magical experience and hopes and prays that it encourages you to be anything you want to be. So put on your hat and enjoy the fun, for the spirit of giving has now begun.